Super Visa

Super visa

Extended visitors' visas, also known as Super Visas, are available to parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents who wish to visit their close relatives temporarily. It is also known as a grandparent visa

The multiple-entry Super visa for parents and grandparents has a ten-year maximum validity period, or until the applicant's passport expires, whichever comes first. Super Visa holders are allowed to stay in Canada for up to two years during that time. A regular visitor visa, on the other hand, is usually only valid for six months at most.


You have to apply for a Super visa outside of Canada at a visa office. A Canadian Super visa for parents and grandparents applicants must meet several requirements.

First and foremost, the applicant must meet the requirements for a regular visitor to apply for the Super visa for parents. This means that, in addition to being in good health and possessing a valid travel document, the applicant must convince a Canadian immigration official that they will voluntarily leave the country at the end of their authorized stay, that they have sufficient ties to their home country, such as a job, family, or property, and that they have sufficient funds to support themselves for the duration of their stay

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Ut cursus massa at urnaaculis estie. Sed aliquamellus vitae ultrs condmentum leo massa mollis estiegittis miristum nulla.

Ut cursus massa at urnaaculis estie. Sed aliquamellus vitae ultrs condmentum leo massa mollis estiegittis miristum nulla.

In addition, the applicant must demonstrate that they are the parent or grandparent of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident; Obtain medical insurance from a Canadian insurer that is valid for at least one year and provides a minimum of $100,000 in coverage for health treatment, hospitalization, and repatriation; Make an appointment with a doctor.

Finally, in Canada, a member of the applicant's family must do the following as the Canadian Super visa requirements:

Show proof of being a Canadian citizen or permanent resident; Obtain a letter of invitation from the applicant. This is a letter that offers details on the applicant's planned visit, as well as the occupation and economic situation of the child or grandchild in Canada. Most essential, this letter must include a written and signed pledge of financial support for the applicant throughout their visit. Demonstrate that they earn more than a set amount

It should be emphasized that holders of a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa have the same rights and restrictions as regular tourist visa holders, including the inability to work or study in Canada. It's also worth noting that an IRCC Super visa can be obtained even if a permanent residency application is still pending.

Super-Visa Requirements
  1. 1 The usual requirements, as discussed under "Visitor Visa Requirements" previously.

  2. 2 Evidence of a family resemblance.

  3. 3 The visitor must show that he or she has a child or grandchild living in Canada.

  4. 4 The visitor must provide a written guarantee of financial support from a Canadian child or grandchild

  5. 5 The visitor must show proof of private health insurance coverage for a minimum of one year in Canada.

  6. 6 Most countries' citizens will be required to undergo an immigration medical examination to apply for a visitor visa. This is a medical exam performed by a doctor who has been approved by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. To find out if you'll need an immigration medical examination, go to Citizenship and Immigration Canada's website and look under "Visit" "Parents and Grandparents" "Immigration Medical Examination."

  7. 7 The Super-Visa requires the Canadian child or grandchild to achieve certain income requirements, with the goal of the Canadian kid or grandchild being able to cover all of the visitor's expenses."

The income limitations are based on a table on the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website, which can be accessed under "Visit Canada" "Parents and Grandparents." If your family consists of a mother, father, and one child, and you want to invite the child's grandma, the total number of individuals in your family is four. The 2014 minimum income requirement for a family of four is $43,942.00. If your family consists of a mother, father, and two children, and you want to invite the mother's parents, the total number of individuals in your family is five. The minimal income level for five people was raised in 2014.

What if you can enter Canada without a visa?

The parent and grandparent Super visa program is still relevant for people who are nationals of visa-exempt countries.

Parent and grandparent Super visa-exempt nationals are usually allowed to visit Canada for six months without getting a visitor visa. A parent or grandparent of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who is a national of a visa-exempt country can apply for a Letter of Introduction from outside of Canada and present it to a border officer once they arrive in Canada under the Super Visa program. When a Letter of Introduction is submitted, a Canadian border official will usually allow the individual to enter Canada for a two-year term and can also turn the Super visa to permanent resident.

Choose us!

CIC Super visas are excellent for extended visits to Canada by grandparents and parents. They are multi-entry, long-term visitor visas with additional requirements not found in regular visitor visas, such as a minimum income for the Canadian child or grandchild, a written promise of financial support, proof of family in Canada, an immigration medical examination, and private health insurance.

Our Canadian immigration services come in a variety of packages, including Full Representation, Final Review, and Do-It-Yourself. You can schedule a consultation with an immigration consultant to apply for a Super visa online if you have any questions.